
How To Insert A Calculated Field In Excel


Excel Pivot Table Calculated Field

In a pivot table, you can create calculated fields, using formulas that piece of work with the sum of other pin fields. There are limitations to what a calculated field tin do, but they let y'all add more power to your pin tables. Besides, come across the difference between Calculated Items and Calculated Fields

Pivot Tabular array Calculated Field

In a pivot tabular array, you tin can create a new field that performs a calculation on the sum of other pivot fields. For example, in the screen shot beneath, a calculated field -Bonus - calculates 3% of the Total, if more than than 100 units were sold.

calculated field for Bonus

Nearly Calculated Fields

Here are some of the features and limitations of calculated fields:


  • For calculated fields, the private amounts in the other fields are summed, so the adding is performed on the total amount.
  • Calculated fields are automatically available in all pin tables that are based on the same pivot cache


  • Calculated field formulas cannot refer to the pivot table totals or subtotals
  • Calculated field formulas cannot refer to worksheet cells past accost or by proper noun.
  • Sum is the simply function available for a calculated field.
  • Calculated fields are not available in an OLAP-based pivot table.

Add a Simple Calculated Field

Picket this video to see the steps for creating a simple calculated field. The written instructtions are below the video. To get the sample file for this video, get to the download section, below.

Add a Uncomplicated Calculated Field

In this example, the pin table shows the full sales for each sales representative per production, and the Units field summarizes the number of units sold.

You can download the sample file for this video, in the download department, beneath.

pivot table fields

The sales reps volition earn a 3% bonus on their Total Sales.

To testify the bonuses, follow the steps beneath, to add a calculated field to the pivot tabular array. In this instance, the calculated field formula will multiply the Total field by 3%.

To add a calculated field:

  1. Select a cell in the pin table, and on the Excel Ribbon, nether the PivotTable Tools tab, click the Options tab (Analyze tab in Excel 2013).
  2. In the Calculations group, click Fields, Items, & Sets, and then click Calculated Field.

    Ribbon Calculated Field

  3. Type a proper name for the calculated field, for example, RepBonus
  4. In the Formula box, blazon =Total * iii%
  5. Click Add together to save the calculated field, and click Close.

    insert calculated field

  6. The RepBonus field appears in the Values area of the pivot tabular array, and in the field listing in the PivotTable Field List. go to top

calculated field in pivot table

Add a Complex Calculated Field

In this example, the pin tabular array shows the total sales for each sales representative per production, and the Units field summarizes the number of units sold. We'll create a calculated field that uses these two fields, and the IF part.

The sales reps volition earn a iii percent bonus if they have sold more than 100 units of any production. To bear witness the bonuses, you tin add a calculated field to the pivot table. In this example, the formula will test the Units field, to see if more than than 100 units were sold, and multiply the Total field by 3%.

You can download the sample file for this tutorial, in the download department, beneath.

To add together a calculated field:

  1. Follow the steps in a higher place, to open the Calculated Field dialog box
  2. Type a name for the calculated field, for instance, Bonus.
  3. In the Formula box, type the IF formula that refers to the Units and Full fields:
  4. Click Add to save the calculated field, then click Close.

    calculated field

  5. The Bonus field appears in the Values area of the pivot table, and in the field listing in the PivotTable Field List.

    complex Calculated Field

Trouble With Calculated Field Totals

When you create a calculated field, you might wait to see a sum of the calculated amounts, in the pivot table's subtotal and m total rows. Still, the calculated field uses the same calculation in the subtotal and grand total rows, instead of showing a sum.

For example, in the Bonus calculated field, shown higher up, the total bonus for Andrews is 164.23, instead of 70.13 (23.65+33.83+12.65). This happens because Excel uses the same calculation in the Total and Subtotal rows, instead of summing.

The full Units for Andrews is greater than 100, then the total Bonus is calculated as 3% of Andrews' Total.

Yous can download the sample file for this tutorial, in the download section, below.

complex Calculated Field

At that place isn't a pin table setting that you tin change, and then it volition sum the calculated fields, instead of using the calculated field formula on the totals. However, you could use one of the following workarounds:

Employ a Filter

To hide the rows that don't qualify for a bonus, filter the production field for Units > 100, to match the Bonus calculation. With the filter applied, the subtotals and Grand Total are right.

filter product field

Hide the Subtotals and Grand Totals

Some other workaround is to remove the Subtotals and Grand Totals from the Sales Rep field.

  • To turn off the Subtotals, correct-click on one of the Sales Rep names, and click Subtotal "Rep", to remove the check marker.
  • To turn off the Grand Total, right-click on the Thou Total characterization, and click Remove Grand Total.

hide pivot field subtotals

Calculate Outside of the Pin Tabular array

If your pin table layout won't change, another workaround is to calculate the Subtotals and Totals, outside of the pivot table, in columns to the correct. For this technique to work correctly, change the pivot table layout from Compact to Outline Form.

In the screen shot below, the bonus is a calculated field, in column P. Formulas accept been added in columns Q, R and S, and cavalcade Q has conditional formatting, and then it matches the pin tabular array style.

  • Formula in cell R12: =IF(L12="",R11,SUM(R11,ane))
  • Formula in prison cell S12: =IF(M12="",0,P12)
  • Formula in cell Q12: =IF(L12="Grand Total",SUM(Southward:Southward),IF(L12<>"",SUMIF(R:R,R12,S:S),S12))

Re-create the formulas down to row 22, where the Grand Total is located.

And then, columns P, R and S could exist hidden, leaving but the calculated Bonus in column Q.

calculate totals in adjacent column

Modify a Calculated Field

Afterward you create a calculated field, you might need to change its formula. In this case, we'll alter the Bonus percentage for the calculated field formula that was created in the previous section.

Watch the video to see the steps, and the written instructions are below the video. To become the sample file for this video, go to the download section, below.

  1. Follow the steps above, to open the Calculated Field dialog box
  2. Click the arrow in the Name box, and select the calculated field that you want to modify -- Bonus in this example.
  3. select a Calculated Field

  4. In the Formula box, brand changes to the formula -- in this case, the pct was changed from iii% to 4%:
  5. Click Alter to save the calculated field changes, and then click Close.
  6. modify a Calculated Field

Remove a Calculated Field

In this case, the pivot table has a calculated field named Bonus. It appears in the Values surface area equally Sum of Bonus. Yous could temporarily hide the Bonus calculated field, or permanently delete information technology from the pivot table. go to top

calculated field

Temporarily Remove a Calculated Field

To temporarily remove a calculated field from a pin tabular array, follow these steps:

  1. In the pivot table, right-click a cell in the calculated field. In this example, we'll right-click the Bonus field.
  2. In the popup menu, click the Remove command that shows the name of the calculated field.

    remove calculated field

The calculated field is removed from the pivot table layout, but remains in the PivotTable Field Listing.

Later on, you tin add a bank check marking to the calculated field in the PivotTable Field List, to return it to the pivot table layout.

Permanently Remove a Calculated Field

To permanently remove a calculated field, follow these steps to delete it:

  1. Select any jail cell in the pin tabular array.
  2. On the Ribbon, under the PivotTable Tools tab,  click the Options tab (Clarify tab in Excel 2013).
  3. In the Tools group, click Formulas, and then click Calculated Field.
  4. From the Name drop down list, select the proper noun of the calculated field you want to delete.
  5. delete calculated field

  6. Click Delete, and then click OK to shut the dialog box.
  7. go to top

Macro to Remove Calculated Field

In Excel VBA, if you endeavor to change the Orientation for a calculated field, Excel displays the mistake message "Run-time mistake '1004': Unable to fix the Orientation belongings of the PivotField course"

calculated field error

You can manually uncheck the calculated field boxes, and remove them from the pivot table, and so check the box again, to put information technology back into the layout. Notwithstanding, if you record code while removing the calculated field, that recorded code shows the same mistake message when you try to run it.

Lookout this video to see a macro that volition remove all the calculated fields, without showing an error bulletin. The download link and sample code are below the video.

The post-obit lawmaking removes all the calculated fields past changing the Visible property to False. You tin can download the sample file below, to examination the code. Thanks to Rory Archibald, from Excel Matters, for suggesting this solution.

You must have a pivot table cell selected, and only that pivot table is afflicted.

Sub RemoveALLCalculatedFields() Dim pt Equally PivotTable Dim pf As PivotField Dim df Equally PivotField On Fault Resume Next Set pt = ActiveCell.PivotTable  If pt Is Nothing Then   MsgBox "Select a pivot table cell"   Exit Sub End If  For Each pf In pt.CalculatedFields     For Each df In pt.DataFields       If df.SourceName = pf.Name Then         With df           .Parent.PivotItems(.Name) _             .Visible = False         Stop With         Exit For       End If     Side by side df Next pf  Finish Sub

Create a Listing of Pivot Tabular array Formulas

With a born control, you tin can quickly create a listing of the calculated fields and calculated items in the selected pivot table. Picket this short video to see the steps, and the written instructions are below the video.

Create List of Pivot Table Formulas

With a built-in pin table control, you tin can chop-chop create a list of the calculated fields and calculated items in the selected pivot table.

Notation: All pivot tables that share the same pivot cache will too share the aforementioned calculated fields and calculated items.

List the Pin Table Formulas in Excel 2010 and Excel 2013

  1. Select any cell in the pivot tabular array.
  2. On the Ribbon, nether the PivotTable Tools tab, click the Options tab (Analyze tab in Excel 2013).
  3. In the Calculations group, click Fields, Items & Sets
  4. Click  List Formulas.

    List Formulas

List the Pin Table Formulas in Excel 2007

  1. Select any cell in the pivot table.
  2. On the Ribbon, under the PivotTable Tools tab, click the Options tab.
  3. In the Tools group, click Formulas
  4. Click  Listing Formulas.

    List Formulas

A new sheet is inserted in the workbook, with a list of the calculated fields and a list of the calculated items.

Pivot Table Formulas List

Listing the Pivot Table Formulas in Excel 2003

  1. Select whatsoever jail cell in the pivot table.
  2. On the Pin toolbar, click PivotTable.
  3. Click Formulas, then click  List Formulas.

    List Formulas 2003

A new sheet is inserted in the workbook, with a listing of the calculated fields and calculated items (see the Excel 2007 example above).

Macro Lists All Formulas For All Pivot Tables

To create a list of all the formulas in a specific pin tabular array, you can use the List Formulas command, as shown above.

There is no congenital-in command that will list the formulas for all of the pivot tables in a workbook, only you tin can use a macro to do that.

In the sample lawmaking shown below, a new worksheet is added to the active workbook, with a list of all the calculated items and calculated fields, in all of the pivot tables.

formula list

To download the sample file, which contains the lawmaking, go to the Download section, below.

Sub ListAllPivotFormulas() ' 'impress all the pivot table formulas 'in the agile workbook Dim lRow Equally Long Dim wb Every bit Workbook Dim ws As Worksheet Dim wsFP As Worksheet Dim pt As PivotTable Dim pf Every bit PivotField Dim cf As Variant 'calculated field Dim ci Every bit Variant 'calculated particular Dim strSh Equally Cord Dim lPI As Long  On Error Resume Next Application.DisplayAlerts = Imitation  Prepare wb = ActiveWorkbook  strSh = "FP_" & Format(Date, "yyyymmdd") On Error Resume Adjacent    Worksheets(strSh).Delete On Fault GoTo exitHandler  Fix wsFP = Worksheets.Add With wsFP .Proper name = strSh .Columns("A:Due east").NumberFormat = "@" 'text format .Range(.Cells(one, one), .Cells(1, 7)).Value _    = Assortment("ID", "Canvass", "PivotTable", _       "Type", "Field", "Proper name", "Formula") .Rows(i).Font.Bold = True End With  lRow = two  For Each ws In wb.Worksheets    If ws.PivotTables.Count > 0 Then       For Each pt In ws.PivotTables          For Each cf In pt.CalculatedFields             wsFP.Range(wsFP.Cells(lRow, 1), _                wsFP.Cells(lRow, 7)).Value _                = Array(lRow - 1, _                ws.Proper name, pt.Name, _                "Calc Field", , cf.Proper noun, _                " " & cf.Formula)             lRow = lRow + 1          Next cf                 For Each pf In pt.PivotFields             On Error Resume Next                lPI = 0                lPI = pf.CalculatedItems.Count             On Mistake GoTo errHandler             If lPI > 0 Then                For Each ci In pf.CalculatedItems                   wsFP.Range(wsFP.Cells(lRow, one), _                      wsFP.Cells(lRow, 7)).Value _                      = Assortment(lRow - 1, _                      ws.Name, pt.Name, _                      "Calc Detail", pf.Name, _                      ci.Name, " " & ci.Formula)                   lRow = lRow + 1                Next ci             Cease If          Next pf           Next pt    End If    Next ws  wsFP.Columns("A:G").EntireColumn.AutoFit    exitHandler:     Application.DisplayAlerts = True     Get out Sub errHandler:     MsgBox "Could non list formulas"     Resume exitHandler  End Sub

Download the Sample Files

  1. Sample file for the Elementary Calculated field and Complex Calculated Field tutorials: Calculated Field Samples
  2. Sample file with the code to create a listing of all pin table formulas. The file is zipped, and is in xlsm format. The file contains macros, so enable them to test the code.
  3. Sample file with the code to remove all Calculated Fields. The file is zipped, and is in xlsm format. The file contains macros, then enable them to test the code:

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